From this article, you’ll learn whether creating MVP products makes sense, what is an MVP, and what is its role in the process of creating digital products.
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a basic version of the product suitable for launching. The Product (MVP) should have minimal yet critical features. The main goal of creating an MVP is gathering early adopters and tailoring the product to the market.
Once the product is out, the owner gathers information and then adds new or enhances the existing features with the knowledge that the final product is demanded in the market.
The main advantages of MVP are:
I think creating a product (let’s take a mobile application as an example) in the MVP phase should take a minimal amount of effort. Said app should gather a maximal amount of feedback from users.
Creating the MVP should be a representation of the entire production process, not just a leap into the development phase. This is crucial information that answers a question – how to plan the creation process of MVP well.
It’s really important… By focusing only on core functionalities and abandoning other phases of app development, we won’t build a product that meets MVP requirements.
While building MVP you need to focus on the core idea to implement the Lean Startup ideology – building an adequate product with minimal budget and defined time. You can create an app that will draw in the early adopters, which in turn will leave their feedback, with minimal costs.
If we want to gather as much feedback as it’s possible, then the app must be ready for it. The usability statistics should be unambiguous. Users should have an option to evaluate the functionality on the forum, group, or in the app itself.
The costs of developing an app are usually the highest at the very beginning. Shorter development time means lower costs for producing the MVP. You can use the money you save to introduce features and develop the app after receiving the feedback.
Res indicates that a large portion of mobile apps available in Google Play or Apple Store is plagued by problems. Usually with the user interface or poor efficiency. If the focus is placed on functionalities while building the MVP (without forgetting any phase of the app development) such problems could be avoided.
This picture illustrates the objectives of MVP building and how to reach the final product.
When using google you put in the phrase “MVP is…” one of the top suggestions is “…dead”.
You can read a lot of articles with this tagline. Some show an incorrectly built MVP and write that this is a wrong approach. Others judge creating MVP as an outdated technique. Some suggest that currently, many experts can accurately assess market needs and hit the bulls-eye on the first throw. In my opinion, MVP is still a very efficient way to develop a well-tailored app, and the involvement of experts in the process makes this hybrid approach even more productive.
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