In this article, you will learn how to properly carry out and organize the optimization of a mobile application, so that its effect is to increase quantitative results, both in terms of the number of downloads, gaining new active users and improving sales results. Mobile app optimization is the key to success of your app.
In this article, you will learn how to properly carry out and organize the optimization of a mobile application, so that its effect is to increase quantitative results, both in terms of the number of downloads, gaining new active users and improving sales results.
Mobile applications, left to themselves, die a slow death. With the changing trends in technologies, devices and the way they are being used, the users’ perception of mobile applications is also changing. They are becoming more and more demanding and accustomed to certain standards set by the biggest players in digital business. Without proper and continuous optimization of the mobile application, not only in terms of marketing and image but also function and utility – your mobile application will die.
Without proper and continuous development work on your application, it will slowly die.
Regardless of whether you are already conducting activities related to the optimization of the application (and they are not bringing the expected effect) or you are just starting to optimize your product – you should always start with the foundations. In my opinion and according to the methodology we use in The Humans, in each of the above scenarios, the basic parameters should be very scrupulously defined, such as – the main purpose of the application, customer segments (resulting from actual quantitative data), building personas for each segment, precise identification of the problems and the needs of these people in the context of our business. Another important element is to create a proposal of functional solutions directly in relation to the problems and needs of people, in other words – content mapping. If you or your project group manage to prepare and work on the above issues, then you have the necessary background knowledge for further optimization activities.
It is worth cooperating with external UX specialists so that they independently verify the fundamental data. It often turns out that incorrect customer segregation brings an avalanche of problems in the further stages of mobile application optimization.
From our point of view, it is very important to get as many real confirmations of our assumptions as possible. We use various types of research and quantitative analysis (usually used in terms of financial and business analysis and customer segmentation in terms of their presence, and purchasing habits) as well as qualitative research and workshops. The latter is, in my opinion, crucial when optimizing an existing mobile application. During a research workshop (or a series of workshops) organized for representatives of the target group, we have the opportunity to collect the necessary insights directly from our recipients. Identification of actual problems and needs will not only be valuable knowledge, confirming or refuting our previous assumptions, but also a source of inspiration to develop engaging actions supporting the development of the mobile application.
If the formula, time and budget of the research workshops on the target group allow it, it is also worth allocating space for testing selected paths of the mobile application during their duration. During the tests, we will have the opportunity to check how the personas move around the application, whether something is causing them problems or simply whether they are solving individual research tasks correctly.
When we are already after the discovery phase, i.e. defining the fundamental assumptions of our application, such as the goal, customer segmentation, person’s needs, and the whole set has been filtered through quantitative and qualitative research, now we have a bit more creative work. We supplement content mapping with our functional proposals, as well as ideas for effective special actions dedicated to the needs of a given target group. Having the entire set of information and signposts, the only thing left for us is to choose those that are possible to implement from the business, financial, technological and time point of view. If the entire discovery phase was carried out by an external UX partner, it is usually summarized in the UX Report, which clearly balances the entire range of optimization premises.
Production in the process of optimizing a mobile application consists of several obvious elements, such as the development of user paths, UX mockups and UI projects. UX mockups are often worth creating in an interactive way so that at this stage it is possible to conduct usability tests on several representatives of the target group. During the tests of the proposed solutions, we have the opportunity to check whether they are understandable and solve previously defined needs. At The Humans, we use several various tools for designing UX mockups. Figma, Axure RP, Sketch,, AdobeXD – we use them depending on the client’s preferences or the specifics of a given project. When designing new solutions in the application, in terms of its optimization, it is also worth taking care of micro animations. We design every element of animation and all of the transitions between the contexts of different views in After Effects. This tool gives unlimited possibilities for animating individual elements.
Properly carried out optimization of the mobile application means that the work on it does not end there. However, having knowledge of who our customers are and what they need, knowledge supported by research, we are able to better respond to changing external conditions, such as new technological possibilities of smartphones and other mobile devices. Each mobile application focused on acquiring new users should have a clearly defined set of various tools and actions engaging for the next 12 months ahead. This makes it possible to periodically check which of them works best.
I am aware that it is not always possible to model all the elements of UX optimization. They take time and are a big investment. Nevertheless, my experience shows that this investment pays back very quickly. Each model optimization of a mobile application in which I participated (or heard about) brings above-average results. Let me use a fresh example from The Humans’ backyard. UX optimization, which we have carried out comprehensively for the Delikatesy Centrum app and special campaigns in which we regularly participate with our partner – Creative Flow Agency, have so far translated into an increase in application downloads by over a million.
It is worth carrying out a model UX optimization of mobile applications. Model, i.e. one that takes into account quantitative and qualitative research, and tests on target groups. In my opinion, by resigning from research we are giving up the guaranteed good results of the mobile app.
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