Find out what the different types of UX research are and what role respondents play in them. Check how much UX research our UX team conducted in 2022.

In 2022, our UX research team used the word “respondent” a couple of thousands of times.  This is all due to the fact that last year we held a significant number of various types of meetings with respondents in UX processes. Thanks to a large amount of research, we faced many issues, challenges and research problems that significantly expanded our production experience in this area. Below you can read a brief description and numerical summary of the tools we used.

UX surveys by UX Team at The Humans

UX workshops

The UX workshop is a tool that allows you to define project requirements, design frameworks and functional areas with the client. The workshop additionally allows you to carry out various types of exercises and tasks, the effect/product of which are the fundamental design assumptions. Read more about UX Workshops here.

Very often UX workshop groups consist of mainly our clients. Their role during the workshop is to structure their knowledge about their organization or their digital product during workshop exercises developed by our team. 

In 2022, we conducted a total of 16 UX Workshops, which lasted 64 working hours. Each UX Workshop organized by The Humans is led by a minimum of 2 UX moderators and a project manager on our side.

FGI research

FGI research, i.e. focus group interview, is the optimal tool for deepening and gathering knowledge from a group of users/respondents. Read more about the FGI Research here.

Respondents during FGI research cooperate with moderators in a group, according to a previously developed and carefully planned research scenario. A successful FGI study is a meeting where a discussion between respondents on a given topic or issue ensued. During the discussion, it is possible to collect the most valuable information. 

In 2022, we conducted a total of 20 FGI studies, which in total took 80 working hours. Each FGI study organized by The Humans is conducted by a minimum of 2 moderators.

In 2022, we conducted a total of 20 FGI studies, which in total took 80 working hours.

IDI research

The IDI survey, i.e. an in-depth interview, is the most effective tool that allows you to collect knowledge from individual respondents in the form of an interview. Read more about IDI Research here.

The role of respondents during IDI research is to answer questions according to a previously developed research scenario. Individual research gives the opportunity to establish a better relationship with the respondent and to gather the type of knowledge that would be difficult to obtain using the FGI or CAWI survey (the individual nature of the research makes it easier for the respondent to share information about their problems in using digital solutions).

In 2022, we conducted a total of 35 IDI studies which in total lasted 140 working hours. Each IDI study organized by The Humans is conducted by a minimum of 2 moderators.

CAWI online survey

The CAWI online survey is a research conducted by means of an electronic survey for self-completion. The survey can be embedded within an online website/platform or mobile application used by respondents. The aim of the study is to collect quantitative knowledge, and the questionnaire that respondents fill in collects data such as knowledge of frequency parameters, different levels of preferences and ratings based on a numerical scale.

Here you can read more about CAWI Surveys.

In 2022, we prepared a total of 6 CAWI surveys, which were attended by a total of 1,372 respondents. Each CAWI survey developed by The Humans includes a previously developed question scenario.

UX research reports

Research reports are extensive documents that assemble the collected knowledge from the entire Discovery Phase of the project. They are usually in the form of interactive PDF documents. Each UX Report developed by The Humans includes a detailed description of:

– research methodology,

– research purposes,

– research metrics,

– research tools,

– research areas,

– characteristics of the respondents,

– emotional states of respondents,

– findings,

– comparative tables (in case of quantitative research).

In 2022, we developed a total of 6 UX Research Reports with a total number of pages of over 820.

To sum up – Respondents in UX research

Research plays a key role in the UX process we use at The Humans. The character of the project and the extraction of valuable knowledge require not only the selection of appropriate research tools but also the correct selection of the characteristics of the respondents in order to recruit them correctly. In the area of UX research, the purpose of which is to create, optimize and implement digital products, the proper organising of the Discovery Phase is of fundamental importance during all subsequent design phases. Below we present some numerical summaries from the Discovery Phase in 2022:

  • 1567 respondents in total took part in our research,
  • 824 pages of Research Reports,
  • 249 working hours of conversations with respondents,
  • 426 research questions.