The whole viral action took place over the course of 7 days

TikTok offers amazing possibilities. You can plan a real TikTok Viral effect on it. Find out more in this article.

On September 25, a Mexican guy named Dogggface208 posted a TikTok video on his profile, where he drinks cranberry-raspberry juice while riding a longboard and sings to the Fleetwood Mac „Dreams” (song from 1977).

The video was viewed over 2.3 million times within 7 hours of publication (currently it has over 20 million plays). TikTok Viral is born.

Currently, Fleetwood Mac „Dreams” has over 45 million plays on Spotify.

Spotify reports that after the video was released, the number of plays for the song „Dreams” increased by 127% (with 224% of new plays). Apple Music saw a 221% increase in song plays and a significant increase in Shazam app usage.

The number of plays of the song caught the attention of Rolling Stone magazine, which placed the song „Dreams” in the 29th place on the list of 100 most played songs on-demand in the USA in its Monday chart. 

Currently, Fleetwood Mac „Dreams” has over 45 million plays on Spotify. The sudden surge caught the attention of Mick Fleetwood himself, who added a video parodying Doggface208 for fun or as a thank you (lots of TikTok fans do the same).

This is how TikTok viral is made. For that matter, The Humans will help you achieve similar results, starting with research and creating a marketing strategy.