We have
something to say.

user experience
How to design an online store?

This article aims to show how to improve the design of an online shop to boost sales.  Every year, the percentage of online shoppers increases. According to the 2023 E-commerce in Poland Report, as many as 79% of Internet users make purchases through an online store. 75% of them prefer Polish shops, the other 30% choose to buy from foreign shops. We also know […]

Patrycja Surmela

23 July 2024

user experience
E-commerce without barriers – digital accessibility

In this article you will learn what barrier-free e-commerce is – digital accessibility, how to use and apply the WCAG principles correctly and how accessibility affects business. The ability to compare products, convenient delivery and a broad assortment of products available with just one click are some advantages that ensure that online shopping is a permanent part of our lives. […]

Julia Bieniek

15 July 2024

user experience
What does a user experience agency do?

This article will explain what a user experience agency does. What is usability testing, and what does user experience testing (ux research) look like? What is user experience? The term user experience can be understood quite literally, as the combined experiences of a user. The term is usually mentioned in the context of digital products, software, applications and various systems. […]

Igor Pietrzak

27 May 2024

WaysConf 2023

Our UI&Design System Designer, Krzysztof Rdzanek took part in the WaysConf 2023 conference and gives a brief account of the event. This article will inform you all about the course of the conference and the topics covered. WaysConf 2023 conference in Cracow was one of the events of the year I was looking forward to and for which I had a lot […]

Krzysztof Rdzanek

23 May 2024

user experience
Appvent Calendar

20 March 2023

user experience
Mobile App Optimization

In this article, you will learn how to properly carry out and organize the optimization of a mobile application, so that its effect is to increase quantitative results, both in terms of the number of downloads, gaining new active users and improving sales results. Mobile app optimization is the key to success of your app. In this article, you will learn how […]

Igor Pietrzak

21 April 2022

user experience
How to develop a mobile app?

From this article, you’ll learn how to develop a mobile app, what mobile app consists of, what role does the mobile app play in the brand’s ecosystem, and what you need to remember while planning on bringing the app into play. The article is a record of Igor Pietrzak’s interview during #NocInnowacji (#NightOfInnovation), organized during Digital Festival 2021. The interview took […]

Igor Pietrzak

17 October 2021

user experience
Your smartphone is the pass to normality.

The pandemic and the accompanying lockdowns taught us to work remotely. Society, our Clients, and ourselves were not aware of the power and possibilities that modern technological solutions give us all, including, of course, mobile products such as stores in the form of mobile apps. During consecutive lockdowns, we learned to use online shopping more efficiently and the possibility of […]

Igor Pietrzak

02 September 2021

Digital nostalgia phenomenon.

The article describes the current phenomenon, a new trend on the Internet that has a huge reach on various social platforms in the form of over 73 million animations already produced. Learn the story of MyHeritage and learn how the introduction of innovative functionality with social-viral potential to the mobile application can make the number of its downloads increase by several hundred […]

Igor Pietrzak

13 April 2021

user experience
Full and partial research – ways of combining methods

There is a different way of dividing research than already mentioned in my previous posts. It is a division into full and partial research. This division concerns the cognitive scope, i.e. the scope of getting to know a specific fragment of reality, and is presented in a simplified form as follows: Full and partial research The research can be called “full” if it covers both […]

Wojciech Daniłowicz

24 February 2021

user experience
In-depth nondirective interview – IDI in the open

Nondirective interview or, to use the full term, an in-depth nondirective interview is a research technique known among researchers as IDI (Individual In-depth Interview). It is good to precede the short description of this method with a general statement that illustrates the possibilities of its applications. Qualitative methods (including nondirective interview) allow, as Graham Gibbs writes, to take a closer look at the outside […]

Wojciech Daniłowicz

17 February 2021

user experience
Focus research. Focus group interview.

Focus research, using the full name of the method, is a focus group interview. It is worth starting its description with the explanation of adjectives accompanying the word „interview”. Let’s start with the term “focus” which means concentrated on one issue, one research topic that may be one of the products or some kind of a social issue. It’s important […]

Wojciech Daniłowicz

01 February 2021

user experience
Research. Quantity or quality?

When talking about the methods of collecting data in social or marketing research, two groups are usually mentioned: quantitative research and qualitative research. Moreover, some researchers put them in opposition to each other by suggesting, which to some extent justify their names, that some are better and some are worse. At the same time, they don’t explain what the superiority of one […]

Wojciech Daniłowicz

21 January 2021

user experience
How not mess up the mobile app?

If you’re here, then you have probably already thought about: launching a mobile app in your company, opening a new sales channel, creating a tool or an element of image support.  That’s great, but before you start choosing a contractor for your future application and start dreaming about conquering the market with its help, think about the following 5 issues by yourself […]

Igor Pietrzak

19 January 2021

user experience
BookMe Mobile App

Quite recently, the Bookme mobile application was officially launched, in which our team also participated in the development of which, among a group of other specialists. Get to know our Case Study from the implementation of some works on the Bookme application. Change someone’s life. Gift them a book for Christmas. This year, for Christmas, we took part in one of the campaigns […]

Igor Pietrzak

29 December 2020

user experience
Homo sapiens shopping preferences. UX analysis.

You know. It’s about us, ordinary Kowalski, surfing the Internet. The digital industry calls us differently: users, personas, customers, people. I like to call us homo sapiens in the context of online activities and behavior. It reminds me that we are also a species that has a specific set of instincts and commonalities. This collection has accompanied us from the very beginning, […]

Igor Pietrzak

04 December 2020

Let’s start working on your project.

I am interested in…

Mobile app or custom system

I am interested in…

Online platform or materials for an internet campaign

I am interested in…

Long-term marketing service

  • Lotos
  • Orange
  • Eurocash Delikatesy Centrum
  • Ambra Kocham Wino
  • Grupa Żywiec
  • Clariant
  • Makro